Code: TO29354
Taxes, service fees
Minimum booking of 02 guests/room
Spa, massage, laundry services, etc.
Additional costs not mentioned in the "Included" section
Cancellation/change fee = hotel cancellation/change fee + Venus Travel transaction processing fee.
The hotel's cancellation/change fee is regulated by the hotel itself as follows:
Customers who book a tour will not be entitled to refund or cancel the tour.
Venus Travel transaction processing fee:
- Booking services under 3 million: 2% of total booking value (minimum 30,000 VND)
- Booking services over 3 million: 1.5% of total booking value
Theo quy định của pháp luật Việt Nam, khi 1 khách nước ngoài + 1 khách Việt Nam ở chung một phòng thì yêu cầu phải có giấy đăng ký kết hôn.